We provide 1:1 tutoring that is tailored to the individual learners needs. We engage young people in their learning through delivering Maths and English in a supportive 1:1 environment that enables young people to focus, learn and complete academic work.
The work can be bespoke project-based work or using learning materials that is sourced from the commissioning partner. We deliver ASDAN accredited curriculum programmes and regulated qualifications to engage, elevate and empower young people aged 11 to 25 years in greatest need.
The goal is to achieve meaningful learning outcomes, which elevate them to go on to further education, training or work, and empower them to take control of their lives.

The ASDAN programmes we deliver are:
- Accelerating Progress: English
- Accelerating Progress: Mathematics
- Employability Skills development
- Focus
- Key Steps
- Lifeskills Challenge
- Lift Off
- Raising Aspirations
- Short courses (multiple titles)
If you would like to refer a young person or find out more about the mentoring costings, please contact us.